Cloud radio hero

Broadcast Online Made Easy.

Deliver the best listening experience with fast, high-quality and buffer-free streams. With Cloudradio, it takes only minutes to get started.

Radio Hosting Starting at $2 per month

Shoutcast or Icecast. Up to 320 Kbps, unlimited bandwidth, premium bandwidth. See all our features.

Get our free player

Sleek, beautiful, and sharp. It fetches the album art automatically for you - your listeners will love our stream player!

Free, you can use with your existing Shoutcast or Icecast server. We will even provide the proxy if needed without fees for a maximum compatibility on your HTTPS page.

Need an Auto DJ? ​It's coming.

We are hard at work on our next generation platform. In the meantime, you can use our radio hosting and you can also help us by subscribing to our beta.